Lake Hamilton Bible Camp (LHBC) is a registered non-profit corporation. Our 501-C ID is 23-7394399. We’re located in Hot Springs, Arkansas. (Contact)
It was established by the Lord in the early 1970’s, to be a place where families could come for prayer and to receive spiritual help.
Glen and Erma Miller were given the responsibility of overseeing the Camp. They faithfully laid down their lives in obedience to that calling. Erma went to be with the Lord in October of 2002. (Listen to the their testimony – The Arkansas Story).
Glen fervently pursued his calling to fulfill the purposes of God which have been ordained for Lake Hamilton Bible Camp until April 28, 2011, when at age 90, he went to be with the Lord.
Merrill Miller, Glen and Erma’s son, is now President. His son, Michael, Glen and Erma’s grandson is Vice-President.
LHBC is a hub to the Body of Christ, hosting six camp meetings each year, plus a Ladies Conference. (Camp Meeting Schedule)
In addition, six times a year, we publish a newsletter entitled, “Voices From His Excellent Glory”. This magazine provides timely articles for God’s people. (Newsletter)
Our Treasures on Media library contains a wellspring of priceless recorded messages pertaining to every aspect of the Kingdom of God. Our library includes CD’s, DVD’s and the MP3 Library. (Online Store)
For years, the ministry of LHBC’s Bookstore has been providing a unique source for classic Christian books, which include deliverance and spiritual warfare – many of which you will not find in your local Christian bookstore. (Online Store)
Prayer holds a high position in this ministry. We hold daily prayer meetings always remembering the President and those in authority over us, as well as prayer requests that have come in by phone or letter. Every Thursday is dedicated to prayer and fasting for the many prayer needs submitted.
Those who have attended Lake Hamilton Bible Camp conferences will testify to the rich, anointed meetings that take place here. Christians are saved, healed, delivered and brought to a higher level in their walk with God. There is no other place quite like LHBC. We invite you to listen to some of these anointed services on our FREE mp3 audio site and our developing YouTube channel.
FREE Deliverance Ministry Audio Messages
It’s Like Going To Bible School At Home!