Camp Meeting Schedule

Next Meeting at Lake Hamilton Bible Camp in Hot Springs, Arkansas


Labor Day Camp Meeting – August 29 – September 1
Thanksgiving Camp Meeting – November 28 – December 1
Winter Camp Meeting
– December 26 – December 29

Call: 501-525-8204 or

Email: for more information

Lake Hamilton Bible Camp has been ordained of God as a place where
Christians know they can go to receive prayer and ministry for the casting
out of evil spirits. A lot of Christians don’t know they have an enemy. Of
those who do know, many haven’t showed up for the battle.

The Word of God mandates that evil spirits be cast out of believers by
believers. The Holy Spirit is constantly bringing more light to uncover
these demons that dwell in the dark crevices where the blood of Jesus has
not yet been appropriated. God says that He will drive out these enemies
little by little.

It’s time to “quit playing church” and get serious about God and His Word.
Deliverance is one of the provisions Jesus shed His blood for. Ignoring your
problems is not the answer! Why not be honest with God and admit that you
might have an evil spirit and give Him and opportunity to set you free?

Plan to attend a camp meeting at Lake Hamilton Bible Camp. You’ll never
be the same again!